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"A picture can tell a greater story than any words can."

Enjoy clicking through and getting a better picture of how our work looks like.

You will first find the galleries of our current activities and down the ones of the last years.

It is not our work, its our family

It is not our work, its our family

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

Donations well received

Donations well received

Team work makes the dream work

Team work makes the dream work

Time to play

Time to play



Prayer makes everything possible

Prayer makes everything possible

Good times

Good times

Distribution of maize flour due the Covid-19 Lockdown

Distribution of maize flour due the Covid-19 Lockdown

CCU St. Elisabeth Centre

CCU St. Elisabeth Centre

Tailoring Course

Tailoring Course

Partner Visit in St. Jude

Partner Visit in St. Jude

CCU Team

CCU Team

Retreat Day

Retreat Day

Product of Liquid Soap Training

Product of Liquid Soap Training

Distribution of 400kg Maize flour

Distribution of 400kg Maize flour

CCU St. Elisabeth Centre

CCU St. Elisabeth Centre

Happ face

Happ face

German Board visits the ugandan team

German Board visits the ugandan team

The founders wedding

The founders wedding


July 2022

12 young women finished successfully the tailoring course in July 2022. The participants organized a dance, presented their self-sewed cloths during a fashion show and embraced their achievement. Each of them was sent with their own sewing machine so that they can start their own small businesses. After 6 months of daily classes, weekly group counseling and spiritual guidance we know, they are ready to be sent out. We will do follow up visits and check on their life situations.


a 6 month course for vulnerable women

The sewing project is supporting vulnerable girls and young women, who experience gender-based violence or dropped out of school because of early pregnancy or poverty. Through the vocational training the beneficiaries are developing their practical and theoretical skills. Through prayer and counseling they can be empowered to go through the situations they are facing in life and develop self-confidence and healing.


School reopen after 2 years

After 2 years, the school reopened finally at the beginning of 2022!

The children under our sponsorship program love learning, interacting with other kids and building their future. Look at their happy faces

   EASTER 2021

This is how our Easter celebration in 2021 looked like

Time as a family

Treasure hunt (The rain could not stop us!)

A yummi lunch

Fun with games

Growing in trust and faith

Happy Easter! 


At the Women's Day 2022

Community sensitization is one of our keys tomaking a change in the minds and behaviors of adults taking care of children.

Raising awareness about GBV and domestic violence were the goals of the last community meeting in our Rehabilitation Centre "St. Elisabeth" in Panykworo, Bungatira.


Find more on social media under  #IWDFashionShow2022

CCU had the honor to present our local sewed products at the international women's day fashion show 2022, held by Lamaro Studio in Gulu. More than 200 guests watched the models wearing our products. This was a great step to promote our handmade wear on the local market, to build relationships and to tell people about our vision and mission.


Review of 2021 and planning 2022

In our team planning days we looked back at the past year, our achieved goals, the challenges we faced  in the different departments and closed the year in prayer. On the second day we finalized our work plan, which is guiding us throughout the year, The team was engaged in a communication training and we welcomed our new team member Betty.


In November 2021 the last course was completed

Last year we faced many challenges with the lockdown, so that we could only have one tailoring course in that year. Some beneficiaries also faced challenges at home, however, we were happily sending out 6 of our tailoring students after their graduation. It was an amazing celebration with a fashion show and touching speeches.


The CCU Birthday Celebration 2021

When CCU has an anniversary, we celebrate the birthdays of the children as well. It is to honor each beneficiary, make them feel loved and to appreciate how far we have come. Grateful we are looking back to 3 years being registered as a C.B.O. since October 2018.


July 2022

Working together, achieving goals together, facing challenges together and dreaming together - all of this requires a strong team, that stands together even if conflicts or challenges arise. Therefore we love investing in our team members relationship, their ability to communicate and to promote unity. We invited a facilitator, who took us through the team building measures.

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